Saturday, October 24, 2009


I've always been a runner. Run here, run there, run everywhere. Ha. But these days, I've stopped, stepped back and realized that running has taken on some significant meanings. Running can imply chasing, running away, running to, running into... the list goes on. Everything is moving so fast when you're running that it becomes dangerous.

Dangerous in all circumstances.

>If you're running into something, you've probably underestimated it's size at one point or another.
>If you're running to something, your depth perception is never truly accurate; it might be a lot farther or closer than you had first thought.
>When you're running away from something, you lose sight of what you're actually running away from. Especially, since your back is already turned on it.
>And lastly, when you chase something. The issue with this last situation is this: when you're chasing something, you never really know truly what the thing is until you've caught it. You sprint and exert all this energy on something that you're not really sure about. You run up mountains, come down, endure a roller coaster, and more than often, you catch up to it and realize that it's totally different than what you thought you had been chasing after all that time. So, then what?

I've come to realize that I'm too tired for that now.

Now is the time to walk.

Friday, October 16, 2009

do a little dance and throw a glance my way

I noticed a glow in the corner of my eye the other day. Amidst everything, all the people and all the thoughts, I glanced over and I saw you: something new, something fresh--and I was instantly stuck like a piece of gum on a shoe. I had to peel my eyes off of you, and turn away abashed. Like a moth drawn to a lamp, unsure of what pulls it towards that flickering light.

All I know is that you are aglow, and it feels good to see your face. So let's make that happen.

All the time.

Because I like the way you make me feel when I see you.

It's as simple as that.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

reciprocation allocation:

if only it were equal.