Tuesday, July 21, 2009

wasting time.

Lying in bed these past couple of days has highlighted some really important things to me. I don't know if it's the effects of the highly addictive strawberry lozenges or if it's the mildy sedative spicy jar of liquid pholcodine, but I realized where I was in my life for the first time. I'm 19. I'm young, and I just want to be happy. We spend all of our lives running around worrying about the past and the future, while we let the present slip by. I thought about the months before when I was still training for the marathon and those fateful early spring evenings when I stopped at a dandelion field for a rest. I stood there and I watched in awe as the wind caressed and tickled its way through the field, blowing and twirling the seeds in all sorts of directions, leaving the crystal blue sky speckled. I held my hand out like a net and allowed them to rest softly on my palm. There was nothing blatantly significant: nothing grand, nothing exciting... but it made my heart flutter and sing.

I guess what I'm trying to say is what everyone else has been saying all this time: Life is short, don't waste your time dwelling on things you think will eventually make you happy. Because all it takes is a gust of wind, and all of the sudden everything is changed.

Hold your hand out, catch the good ones, and hold onto them before the moment has gone and passed.