Wednesday, August 12, 2009

missed it.

honestly, who are the Brits kidding? They really are not known for their efficiency. The bus system seems to have a sort of glitch every other day around 5-6, where the buses just drive by the stops without a care. I sat there yesterday, waiting for the 25 Universities bus to make it's way around. I sat and I waited. I waited and I sat. for one hour of my life. ugh. so after sitting around on my arse for way too long, I decided to get up offa my thang and head to the previous bus stop to see if the stupid red beast would stop there. Impatience at its finest, right here. As I made my way over to that other stop, I saw that red bus heading towards me... not stoppping at that stop, heading towards where I had been for the last hour. Shit. I picked up my bag, and ran with about 20 cuties and a litre of water. Undoubtedly, I missed it. I perked up my head to look at the electronic schedule. 25 Universities... 25 minutes. Damn. Fruitless efforts, once again.

Seems like everything you chase after goes awry. The restlessness of not knowing, it eggs us on to run and to chase. But what are we really chasing in the end? Life really is a test of patience. You wait around for years to pass, who you are, what you'll be, friends, love... death. You chase this and that, never really getting a full grasp or appreciation for it. It's easier said than done: To be able to sit, and wait... to admit that some things are just out of your control, and to live knowing that some things are merely by chance.

I suppose that's the risk we have to take. Take a chance in chance. Sit there, and wait for your bus because chances are that it's just around the corner.

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