Friday, August 20, 2010


after some careful 5 minute thought about it, i've come to the conclusion that being in a relationship is like majoring in something. if you're lucky, you're majoring in something that you really love; but it doesn't always mean that it's easy. the first 4 classes are great: they're everything that you've imagined it to be like. but then comes the hard stuff... the microbio, the ochem, the e100, the mae 120 of the relationship. and it's tough, through and through. tough on your mind, tough on your body, tough on your heart. sometimes you feel like giving up, and you almost do. but then you wake up and realize that it's not an option (if you're smart-or stupid, however you look at it): to give up. at least not on your end. people deal with the difficultly differently. some people stress out and cry, others just breeze on by. but where am i going with this... oh yes, a major you really love. You push through those classes and just try to keep your head above water until it's over. And when it's over, it's over. Sure, some will jump boat and switch to another major. One that will make their life a lot easier and probably more practical, but they'll end up doing something for the rest of their lives that they are lukewarm about.

So, it comes down to quit what you love or don't quit...even if it is hard at the time. Just know that it will end, and you will come out stronger from something that you thought broke you. All you have to do, is hold on through that quarter.. or semester. However long it is.

this is where we are.

the ochem, the e100, the mae 120. literally, for one of us; and even though it frustrates me, i'm thankful that you don't stress the way i do. and because of that, i'm not flunking in "us".

1 comment:

  1. this post reminds me of a specific how i met your mother quote.

    but it's good nonetheless.
