Friday, April 17, 2009


'cause when you're fifteen
and somebody tells you they love you,
you're gonna believe them.
and when you're fifteen,
and your first kiss makes your head spin around,
but in your life you'll do things
greater than dating the boy on the football team

I didn't know it at fifteen.

when all you wanted
was to be wanted,
wish you could go back
and tell yourself what you know now.

back then I thought I was going to marry him someday,
but I realized some bigger dreams of mine.

I didn't know who I was supposed to be, at fifteen.


  1. Fifteen and quite naive-all of us were.

    As you once told me: you like to read the end of the story and then start at its beginning. You find the story's excitement hidden within the path its characters travel. You know your ending already-and you're living that very path. You're living and writing your very own story and you've got nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

    The pages you've already turned are there as reminders, as small leaflets of character-building; don't look back at them with regret, but rather with a smile. Knowing that you've made it pages farther into your journey and understanding that you've been bettered as a result should do no less than conjure a grin.

    Sit back, relax, put on some Jack Johnson and maybe snack on a hard-boiled egg or two: you've got your entire future lying out in front of you, all you have to do is just keep walking.

  2. Oh McLean, I don't regret anything. I learned that one from Jack Johnson, haha. I've discovered that speaking, doing, and sharing what I think is right IS my right. I do not fail to exercise it, as you have seen. And I almost never fail to have a grin on my face.

    Think of this, as a memorial. I'm acknowledging the page that's been turned-reading it closely, so that I can better understand the whole of the story: the reasons why I become what I become.

    And hard-boiled eggs will be in our days, as will more soy ice cream and chocolate eggs. :)
